January Glossy Box

So I finally recieved my January Glossy Box last week. There seems to be a few problems with Glossy Box the last few months with people getting different items to what they expected and delays on some boxes. Up until the January box, I hadn't had any issues with them and seemed to be amongst the first to receive the box each month however all that changes with January! I still haven't had any major issues, just long delays on the box arriving however this is the first time I was a bit dissappointed with the box. Until now they have been my favourite of all the Australian beauty boxes (and I've subscribed to all 5!) but not so good this time. I read online that Glossy used the age of subscribers (under or over 26) to decide the contents and while this is a step in the right direction to personalise the boxes, in my case it meant I got an anti-aging skincare item rather than a makeup item as I had said I prefered in my beauty profile. It was like age was the only part of the beauty profile taken into account. A little bit disappointing and has definately bumped Glossy Box off the perch as my top beauty basket! That said, I will keep my subscription until at least the next month and see how I am feeling, next month is Valentine's themed according to the Glossy Box facebook page so whether the boxes are received before Feb 14 will be a deciding factor for a lot of subscribers I think.

That said, here's what I got this month:

Sheercover Nourishing Moisturiser
I have seen the ads for Sheercover everywhere but never tried any of their products. The main reason I've never bothered with this brand is that it's subscription based so you can sign up for monthly supplies of their products rather than just buying them as needed at a store. There are some counters in shopping centres that sell this alongside Proactiv but there's not to many around so it's always just seemed to hard. I am looking foward to trying this out however, perhaps it will stop me being so sceptical!

Sheercover Lip Gloss in Pink Praline

Another product from Sheercover which I will give a go. I'm probably more likely to like this than the moisturiser as I am subscibing to the beauty baskets more out of an interest in cosmetics than skincare. I would much prefer to have only one sample from each brand in the box though and give me a wider variety of brands rather than two from the same.

Nivea Rich Nourishing Body Moisturiser
I have used this many times before and quite like it so was happy enough to see it in the box. The only thing I wish is that the sample was a bit larger, I like to apply a moisturiser all over when I am trying it and I hate when samples don't give you enought of the product to do this.

Sally Hansen Insta-dry Fast Dry Nail Color in Petal Pusher
This was my favourite product of the box. While I normally go for brighter nails, this will be good to add to my collection as it looks like it would be quite opaque with a few coats. I am not a fan of sheer polishes at all so looking foward to trying this out.

Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair
This was the product I received for being over 26 while other subscribers got a Mirenesse eyeliner. There have been a lot of complaints about this online particularly since the eyeliner was promoted before many of us got our boxes. That said, i have never tried any Estee Lauder products surprisingly so keen to see if it lives up to the hype!

Australia Day Temporary Tattoos
These were a little bonus thrown in to keep with the Australia Day theme. I'll probably never use them but I do like when the beauty boxes are themed as it makes them a bit distinct from previous boxes.

Hope you enjoyed seeing my goodies, looking foward to seeing what Glossy Box has in store for Feb and hopefully they can sort out all their issues beforehand!

Have a beautiful day!


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