January Beauty Basket

So this month's Beauty Basket took a while longer than normal to reach me as it is now Feb 6 but I guess that's just what happens with businesses closing over the Christmas and January holidays. I was really impressed with the December Beauty Basket so I was prepared to wait without getting too anxious. I must say, this month isn't as impressive but I still managed to score a product i had been tempted to buy many times and hadn't so still worth more than my $14.95.

Here's what I got:

Miessence Sunflower Body Wash
This body wash is 1005 natural with quite a few organic ingredients so will be good for throwing in my gym bag. I have never heard of this particular brand so am keen to give it a try however I'm not sure I will love the 'sunflower' scent.

Yes to Cucumbers Soothing Facial Towlettes
This is a full sized travel packet of these wipes and I always like to carry a small packet of wipes any time I travel. This will be the first of the Yes To products I have tried but I have noticed them mentioned many times on YouTube and in other beauty blogs.

Miessence Hand Cream
I was a bit disappointed with this sample. I like the idea of an organic hand cream but I really dislike when product samples are in a sachet yet are intended for more than one application. Once the sachet is open it's messy to store until the next use.

Agent Provocateur Eau Emotionelle EDT Sample
Yet another product I have walked past many times on shelves but never tried. It seems like it's quite a strong smell and normally I prefer a lighter fruity scent so will be interesting to see if I like this once it's on my skin.

Avene Ystheal+ Emulsion
I have tried a few Avene samples before as I used to work at a pharmacy that stocked the range and I've never found them particularly amazing. I know a lot of people with sensitive skin find their products fantastic but as someone who's not easily irritated by skin products it's not the greatest match for my needs.

Australia Paparazzi Perfect High Definition Eyeshadow in Snap Attack
I was so glad to see this little beauty when I opened my Beauty Basket and even more excited to see it was a palette of brown shades as these are what I get the most use out of. I have gone to pick up one of these before but they've always been sold out of the colours I was after when there were really good sales on. I have a blush in this line and I love how beautifully pigmented the shades are and this eyeshadow will be perfect for getting a range of shaded in a compact little case.

Here are some swatches as well:

Across the board this wasn't as impressive as their first basket but I still got some new products to play with. I also love the baskets these come in each month, perfect for reusing for storing all my cosmetics!

Hope you are having a beautiful day!


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