It's September already, which means it's time for another empties post! It always feels like the months are flying by but now it's September it means my holiday in October is only a month away and we are getting more sunny days which makes me a very happy girl! I am not a Winter person at all!
Here's what was in my bin this month:

Dove Sensitive Skin Nourishing Body Wash
I was sent this as part of the Beauty Heaven trial team and while I did like it, I don't think I would purchase it again. It lathered nicely and didn't irritate my skin, but I prefer a shower gel with more of a scent to it to pep me up in the morning.
Garnier Conditioning Lotion with Brightening Cocoa Butter
I managed to score this from my sister as she wasn't a fan but I really like the range of body moisturisers from Garnier. They absorb easily and smell devine.
Colgate Plax Mouth Wash
Yep, this again... Gotta love minty fresh breath!
Dove Nourishing Oil Care Conditioner
This range from Dove is a fairly new discovery for me and it is AMAZING! I am planning a full post and review of the whole range but it has made such a difference to the condition of my hair - love it!
Dove Intensive Repair Shampoo
I have quite a few shampoos and conditioners I am trying to finish up at the moment and while I really liked this, it's just not quite as good as Dove's new Nourishing Oil range.
Maxi-Hair Tablets
I ordered these from a while back as I had read some good reviews and was keen to see how they compare to the Blackmores Hair, Skin and Nails tablets I normally use. I have noticed my nails are getting brittle again so I'm not sure if it is these tablets not being quite as effective or if my nails are just drier than normal as we near the end of Winter. Will be going back to the Blackmores ones now.
Clinique Clarifying Lotion 3
A staple in my skincare routine and the only thing that seems to keep my skin from getting oily throughout the day.
Clearasil Daily Gel Wash
I have mentioned this before but it has become my Holy Grail of cleansers. I will pick up another one soon, I'm just trying to see if I can use up some others I have lying around without my skin breaking out in the meantime.
Proactiv Deep Cleansing Wash
I have used Proactiv quite a bit in the past and while I initially found their products cleared up my skin dramatically, after a while it was like they stopped being effective. I do like to use a strong cleanser like this when my skin is having a really hard time but just for a few days at a time.
Palmers Skin Therapy Oil
Lately I have been smothering my whole body in this after a shower in an attampt to combat my dry Winter skin. It does take a little while to soak in, but I have been waking up with lovely silky skin each morning thanks to this little baby!
Benefit The Pore Professional
This was a small trial size from a sample box and I love this stuff. Not sure it has made much of a difference to minimising pores, but it does make a great primer and foundation glides on smoothly after applying it.
Kora Organics Foaming Cleanser
This has been one of those half-used products I have had floating around and finally decided to finish up. It's not that I don't like it, it is nice and has a lovely fresh scent, it's mostly just that it doesn't really foams very well. I know this is due to the lack of harsh chemicals but I found the texture a bit strange to get used to I think...
Dove Fresh Grapefruit and Lemongrass Roll-on
I love a fresh smelling roll-on for first thing in the morning to get me going. Anything with a fresh, fruity scent gets my vote.
Systane Eye Drops
Another bottle of these - especially in Winter it's like my eyes can't get enough of them!
Maybelline Babylips in Protecting Berry
Another product I have found myself going through quickly in Winter. It always starts out not too badly, but by this time of the year (nearing the end of the cold) my skin, hair and lips seem to be so dehydrated from sitting in a heated office all day.
Coles Make Up Remover Pads (x2)
I'm sure you've seen these in every single empties post I've done but here they are popping their little heads up again! :-)
Are you as happy to see the end of Winter as I am? So excited for the Spring and Summer ahead!
Hope you are having a beautiful day!
Wow you have used heaps of products this month! I am looking forward to spring too, I can't wait to dust off the shorts and fake tan!