Getting organised for the new year!

Happy 2013 to all my beautiful followers, I am so excited for the new year and all it will bring!

There's something about starting a new year than makes me giddy with excitement. It's nice to have a clean slate and a whole 365 days laid out in front of me. I do know this is more of a mental thing than anything but I love sitting down and planning for the year ahead, as well as making a list of all my goals and the things I want to achieve in the upcoming year. Does anyone else get this excited or am I just strange? Hmm...

I'm not really a fan of 'New Year's Resolutions' as I think giving them this name means for a lot of people they aren't really taken seriously and are often made as a spur of the moment decision without too much planning or forethought. I prefer to take some time in the last few days of the year to sit down and think about what I want to achieve in the upcoming year, I write down each goal as well as the smaller steps I plan to take to make it a reality. Breaking them down like that helps me see them as achievable tasks instead of a huge big daunting mountain. I also use this time to review my goals for the year that is ending and assess why I haven't fulfilled any goals from the year before.

You may have seen my instagram post a little while back but one of my favourite things to help me plan my year is the diary from Melbourne company Migoals. I first discovered them last year and purchased their 2012 diary and when it came time to start thinking about 2013 I tracked down the new one right away. I love the concept of keeping my list of goals and my daily planner together so they are with me at all times, I've found in the past if I write down some resolutions or goals they tend to end up in a drawer somewhere and forgotten about within a few weeks otherwise. These guys seemed to get inside my head somehow and turned my thoughts into a beautiful diary that meets my needs better than any I have used in the past!

The diary is full of inspirational quotes to help motivate me on a daily basis and is divided into three sections: goal setting pages at the front, the main diary in the middle and a budget section at the back.

The goals section is great as it breaks down each goal and there is a section in the middle of the year to review how well you are on track with each too.

One of the features I get the most use out of is the daily goals list at the bottom of each week - there is room to list five "to dos" and tick off each day you do them. I tend to list things like 'workout', 'eat well' etc here...

And my least favourite section (but perhaps the most essential for me) - the budget section helps keep track of my monthly spendings! ;-)

I know this post isn't particularly beauty related, but I can't tell you enough how important being organised is to my day to day life. I like to use the bottom line of each day to plan my upcoming blog post for that day and it helps me keep everything in order - I feel like there are so many things I want to pack into my life that being well organised and managing my time well is the only way I can do it all!

Just a quick note too: this post is not sponsored in the slightest - I bought the diary myself but wanted to share what a fabulous idea it was and thought some of you might share my organisation obsession! Plus you've gotta love a little Aussie company trying to help people reach their dreams don't you? :-)

Do you make resolutions/goals at the start of the year?

Hope you are having a beautiful day!


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