My Goodness Me Box has arrived! I seriously wish it could be delivered fortnightly I am that excited to see all the delicious new things. Unfortunately for me (but possibly fortunately for my wallet!) it’s a monthly occurrence and just like the last few months, the Feb box was jam packed! It takes all my powers of resistance not to rip into everything and try it all on the first day, but I have been really loving the great variety of foods and drinks mixed in with a few other wellbeing products.
Without further ado…

Simply Raw: Paleo Vanilla Energy Bar
Yum, yum yum! I love little snacks like these to keep me from reaching for the 3pm chocolate bar when hunger sneaks up.
Natures Way: Vitamin C
I love taking Vitamin C tablets throughout the winter months (and sometimes the warmer months too) to help ward off any sickness and keep my body from getting too run down so these will be perfect. Don’t get me wrong - I do try and give my body enough Vitamin C through the foods I consume, but a little boost along the way has made a dramatic difference in the number of times I have been sick in the last couple of years. Even better, these tablets are made from 100% natural wholefoods!
Leda Nutrition: Gojo’s
Described as a healthy version of Oreos (and who doesn’t love those?), these chocolate cream bikkies will be perfect for throwing in my handbag for a snack on the go.
Stolen Recipe: Ice Tea - Wild Berry Pomegranate Green Tea
I generally steer well clear of sugary soft drinks and juices but every so often I do crave something sweet to just give me that little extra boost. 100% natural and with no refined sugar this is going to be kept in the fridge for a better option I can quickly pick up.
Orgamix: Cacao Crackle
These will be a perfect topper for the Acai bowls I have recently been loving (or the peanut butter pancakes recipe included in this month’s box), the only trick will be using them in moderation! Stay tuned - will certainly make for some Insta-worthy snaps too!
Chai: Organic Rainbow Chai
My love for takeaway Chai Lattes (I’m not a coffee person) is something I’m really working on reigning in so this will be a nice little compromise. Nothing beats a warm chai with a little milk and honey on a cool morning.
Protein Supplies Australia: Pea Pro Vanilla
I’ll be honest - I’ve tried a few pea proteins in the past and haven’t been a fan. They’ve tended to be a bit gritty and not mix very nicely so I have my fingers crossed this might be a pleasant surprise. We shall see!
Food to Nourish: Wow Cacao Bliss Ball
Another perfect snack for the handbag, this raw, vegan bliss ball looks like it will be a big hit. Hell, anything with chocolate and hazelnuts has me on board!
Rosehip Plus: Day Cream
Rosehips Oil is one of my Holy Grail skin care products - I cannot rave about it enough (I’ve managed to convince many a friend/family member to give it a crack). I use the oil at night I would love to use it for day as well but it leaves my face just far too greasy and there is no way I could apply makeup over the top without looking like a shiny disco ball. Enter this Hydrating Day Cream - where has this been all my life?! While I’ve only tried it on my hand so far, it seems nicely hydrating and absorbs quickly which is a must for applying makeup over the top.
Have you tried any of these products? Would love to know your thoughts!
Hope you are having a beautiful day!
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